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October 18, 2005 |

Industry Tip
It's all about PRESENTATION
By Noele Shannon
Many bands ask me for help getting shows. Honestly, it's all in their presentation - I mean the entire image you are giving off about your act. From who represents you to your press kits (electronic press kits, or EPK's, on CD-ROM are popular right now). It speaks volumes for an act that pays attention to detail. Respond promptly to requests made of you, and you'll score big points with a booker AND make a lasting impression to get future shows!
(cont. below) |


 It's all about PRESENTATION
(cont. from top)
The most important element is a professional looking CD. You can do yours without breaking the bank at DiskFaktory - full color printed CD's as low as $1.59 each. Get more info here.

Noele Shannon made her mark in the L.A. music scene with her management company,
N-Less, booking tours and concert series, and promoting and managing new talent. She is currently booking for Sega's GameWorks®. |
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